Privacy and Cookie Policy

Please note that the English translation of the following policies is offered as a courtesy and is for information only. The official policies, which shall prevail, are the Italian versions.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy provides information – in accordance with REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 – about the processing of personal data of the user visiting the website in relation to the services offered by CS Languages di Colombo Silvia.

  1. Data controller

The data controller is Silvia Colombo, owner of CS Languages di Colombo Silvia, VAT n. 11517960966 e-mail e PEC

  1. Types of processed data

Identification data, contact information and data connected with browsing. The data provided during registration are processed to send messages that require subscription.

The data will not be communicated to third parties nor disseminated.

The privacy policy only refers to the website and not to other websites that the user can potentially consult by way of a link.

  1. Purpose and legal basis of the processing

The personal data of the interested party who visits the website are processed for the following purposes:

  1. Guarantee the correct technical operation of the website, in order to facilitate its qualities, accessibility, usability and the availability of the information published on the website by the users;
  2. Manage the requests for information received through the electronic forms found on the website pages;
  3. Manage the registration activities through specific page/platform;
  4. Upon express consent of the interested party, the activation of the newsletter service to give information and promote the services, activities and other initiatives organised by CS Languages di Colombo Silvia;

Anything that is sent by or to the user through webform and newsletter goes through the email servers of and via SMTP. When subscribing to the newsletter, the email address is registered on the website database (Aruba server). The preference of the language of communication (English or Italian) is assigned automatically according to the language of the page used to subscribe. The user has the possibility to subscribe by opting in via e-mail (with express consent) and to cancel the subscription to any newsletter or at any time through a dedicated link for every user. All the traffic on the website is filtered by reCAPTCHA. Please see the for their Privacy Policy.

  • Fulfil the agreement with the client;
  • Fulfil legal, fiscal and accounting obligations;

In the pursuit of the purposes at points a), b), c) the legal basis of the processing is the execution of the contractual obligations of public interest; regarding the purposes at point d), the legal basis of the processing is the consent of the interested party/legitimate interest; regarding the purposes at points e), f), the legal basis is respectively the execution of the contractual obligations and the fulfilment of a legal obligation.

  1. Duration of the storage

The data will be processed for the duration strictly necessary to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes and will be stored as needed in relation to specific legal obligations, regulations or requirements related to the correct management of the procedures.

The communication of the above-mentioned data is compulsory; otherwise, the data controller will not be able to fulfil their obligations.

  1. Methods of processing

The personal data will be processed through electronic methods and through printing only where strictly necessary.

  1. Communication and dissemination of data

The data are processed exclusively by staff authorised to the processing and specifically identified by CS Languages di Colombo Silvia. The optional, express and voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses, and the filling and forwarding of the forms on the website involve the acquisition of the sender’s contact data, needed to reply, and of all the personal data included in the communications.  

  1. Transfer of data abroad

The data could be processed through foreign servers of which the data controller has evaluated and guarantees the integrity, reliability and suitability of the security measures.

  1. Rights of the interested parties and duration of the storage of data

The interested party can exercise the rights acknowledged by article 15, and following, of the Regulation. In particular, the interested party has the right to access their personal data, to ask to amend, update or cancel their data, to object to the processing of their data, to ask to make their data anonymous or limit their processing, to revoke the consent where expected by clicking on the link, or to send their requests to the following email address The interested party has the right to signal and submit a complaint to the Italian Data Protection Authority, in the ways established by the Authority itself.

Cookie Policy

This cookie policy (hereafter “Cookie Privacy Policy”) is a further specification of the  privacy policy related to the website and its purpose is to describe the different types of cookies and technologies used on the website.

– What they are and what they are for

Cookies are pieces of information (small strings of text) stored on a user’s browser when they visit a website. Cookies have different and important functions (executing computer authentications, monitoring sessions, memorising specific information on specific configurations concerning users that access the server, memorising the user’s preferences, etc.). The purpose of cookies is to improve the usability of the website, making browsing more functional and efficient and allowing to manage focused marketing initiatives or the provision of services related to the activities of the owner, such as newsletters, etc.

– Installed cookies uses technical cookies that allow to browse the website pages. Technical cookies are needed to browse or to provide a service requested by the user. They are not used for further purposes and they are normally installed directly by the owner of the website. Without such cookies, or by limiting their use, some operations would be impossible to carry out or would be more complex and/or less secure, causing an incomplete fruition of the services offered by the web application.

– User consent and management of cookies

Cookies can be divided into two categories: technical cookies and profiling cookies. As established in the provision 229/2014 of the Italian Data Protection Authority, profiling cookies are intended to create profiles related to the user and are used to send advertisements consistent with the preferences shown by the user when browsing online. does not use profiling cookies. Therefore, such cookies will not be a part of this document.

The owner, under the applicable law, is not required to request consent related to technical cookies strictly necessary for the regular browsing.  Such cookies are therefore installed automatically by the website at the user’s first visit. However, the user can in any case express/modify their preferences, as well as the express consent, also by disabling cookies, by accessing the browser settings.

Below are some brief instructions on how to do this in the four more popular browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: Click on the icon “Settings” in the top right corner and select “Internet Options”. In the pop up window select “Privacy”. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
  • Google Chrome: Click on the button in the top right corner and select “Settings”. Now select “Show advanced settings” and change the settings for “Privacy”.
  • MozillaFirefox: From the dropdown menu in the top right corner select “Options”. In the pop up window select “Privacy”. Here you can adjust your cookie settings.
  • Safari: From the dropdown menu in the top right corner select “Preferences”. Select “Privacy” and you can adjust your cookie settings.

Further information on the management of cookies can be found at the following website:

Since cookies allow for the memorisation of information on preferences, history of a user’s actions, specific browsing among websites, many anti-spyware products signal cookies as possible threats.

Since cookies are transmitted between browser and website, a malicious user or an unauthorised person could intercept the transmitted data and related information. Even though it is rare, it might happen that the browser connects to the website using for instance a non protected wi-fi network. Other attacks based on cookies involve the server settings. If a website does not require the browser to use only encrypted connections (e.g. https), malicious users could take advantage of such vulnerability to mislead the visitors into sending personal information through unprotected channels. Personal data could be therefore redirected for unauthorised processing purposes.

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